Just for fun, I went back in my old files and dug up the very first story I ever submitted as a "serious writer." I've pasted it below so...
Nebula Suggested Reading List
Some kind, lovely person nominated my story "The Sound That Grief Makes," which originally appeared in The Dark, for the Nebula...
We Are the Nancys: The Craft and Feminine Identity
The Craft hit theaters in 1996. I was twelve and dying for breasts that would actually fill out the heavily padded push-up bra I bought...
What Horror Taught Me About Being A Woman
My very first crush was Chris Sarandon in Fright Night. I was five. “Why would you let her watch that?” my grandmother asked my mom, who...
Hugo Eligibility
I had four stories published this year that are eligible for Hugo nominations. You can find links to them below. "All That is Refracted,...